Swift Current

Adoption Fair this weekend

Thanks to the nice people at the Swift Current Mall, we will be there again this Friday and Saturday (14th-15th) from 10am to 6pm each day. The last one was a great success – even two of the Danish Curling Team stopped by!
Angelina and Camilla Jensen

Please come in and see some of our available pets for adoption. Ask about our volunteer and Foster programs!


  1. I was very fortunate the day I went to the mall and the SPCA were displaying their pets needing adoptions. That day I had no knowledge that I would be bringing “Nevada” home with me. In fact I tried to walk on the other side of the Mall’s hall when I seen them all on display, as I have a soft heart and I hate to see them sitting in their cages, and in need of homes. I already have a wonderful dog “buddy” and I was not looking for another, I was successful to walk by them on the first go around, making sure not to make eye contact with any of the pets, however on my way back this was not to be…this small dog was sitting out on one of the SPCA workers lap, right out in my sight path, I made eye contact, the little tail wagged and immediately I could not pass him buy with out at least saying hi. Of course that was it… he immediately stole my heart and I new that he was comming home with me. Two dogs it would be! unless my daughter whom had expressed that she “eventually” wanted to have a dog just like “buddy”, was ready to take on this responsibility at this time. Before I introduced them I posed this question to her, asking her if she was ready for a dog in her life and without hesitation she said yes without even meeting him. the moment she met him , her heart was stolen. …. she is now the proud loving owner of a very loving, happy, well mannered pet who has no end of kisses to share. We love him so much. This is a success story that happened because of making these pets more visible to the general public…. like I said I did not leave the house that day looking for a dog, but lucky for us,
    “Colby” found us (his new name, as Nevada was one that was recently given to him, and we thought the name “colby” represented a new beginning in his new family!!! Thanks

  2. I read this story and had tears of joy. I’m pretty sure that I am the volunteer that helped you out with Colby. During his time at the SPCA I grew to have a special bond with this little guy. Just like you I looked into those big eyes that tell you that he loves you, and who can resist his goofy grin!? I cannot express how thankful I am to you for adopting him. I hope that you enjoy him and that he is always filling your home with joy!

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