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Local Graffiti Artist Mike Kaye did a fantastic job painting our C-Can, can you believe that is all done with spray paint and by hand!!

Mike donated all the time it took to paint the C-Can and is very generous to do it at no charge, he did such a fantastic job on our Snoopy Box for the parade that we just felt we needed more artwork from him!

Mike Kaye has used both our old and new logo and even blended in the beautiful sunset that we see every evening at the shelter, we are now lucky enough to see it all times of the day! Our C-Can is now so bright and beautiful that many people have said they can see it from the highway, this excites us a lot!

Bud Cates donated the C-Can to the SPCA so we have extra storage, he was very kind to allow Mike to paint it.

a BIG thank you to Mike Kaye & Bud Cates!