As always, we love hearing how our former guests are settling in to their new homes. Here’s an email we just received:

Hello SPCA staff!

I adopted Sky on May 13th 2013 and just wanted to give you a little update on how she is doing.
Sky and I moved from Saskatchewan to British Columbia and we both live back with my family.
Sky has been welcomed with open arms and fits right in. She lives with 2 other dogs ( a husky/german shepherd (7 years) & a beagle (13 years) ) and a cat (8 years). Sky is the youngest and has brought back the life to our family! There is never a day that goes by that Sky doesn’t seem happy, she loves giving kisses and hugs, she runs around all day in the acre of green grass and trees she has and tries to make the other dogs chase her around. We play fetch , run around the parks, even go swimming *Sky is a fantastic swimmer!* and even then she barely gets worn out! I am currently looking at agility classes so it will keep her busy and fit.

I feel as though Sky and I came into each others lives at the perfect time. I am so glad I looked on your website and saw her. Every night I go to bed happy knowing she is sleeping right next to me and every morning I wake up happy because she is always by my side wagging her tail and licking my face. Even though I rescued her, I feel as though she saved me. I couldn’t be any happier in life and Sky is the main reason as to why. Now I always joke my shadow has paws and a tail because Sky refuses to leave my side, it’s hard to go anywhere without her *because she always tries to tag along* but mostly because it’s no fun being without her.

Thank you so much for caring for the animals
Without the SPCA I wouldn’t have my best friend Sky 🙂
I hope you get the attached picture of her!


Thanks, Liz, for adopting Sky – we’re so pleased you were made for each other. Shelter pets are the best!