Hi my name is Nike. You probably can’t tell by my long, orange hair but underneath it I am skin and bones. Yesterday a kind human rescued me and brought me into the SPCA shelter. I was starving to death and struggling to survive.
My new friend, Indiria, came into the shelter at approximately 3 weeks old. She is 5 weeks old now and still fits in the palm of a human’s hand. She was found in an industrial area. My other new found friend, Canada, was rescued by a human who saw him under a shed at a local service station. We are just a few of the kittens, now at the shelter, that were rescued as strays.
Somewhere down the line one of our ancestors in our generation were owned by a human and unfortunately that human did not spay or neuter their cat. The female then had kittens and those kittens had kittens and so on. Some of those kittens found homes and others ended up as strays, like me.
I am lucky. I survived. I will be neutered and I will find a home.
Most stray kittens are not so lucky. They will starve, or succumb to the elements. They will be preyed upon, injured or killed…needlessly. It is so sad to know that over 95% of the cats that come to the SPCA have never been neutered or spayed. Can you imagine how many times they have multiplied given the fact that female cats can have a litter of kittens four times a year? Can you imagine how many kittens that have struggled to survive and have suffered a cruel death?
And so, dear humans, I cry out for all strays, past and present. Do not let this happen to another kitten. Please be responsible and do the right thing. Spay or neuter your cat. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.