A Note on the Swift Current SPCA’s Role During Stray Impoundment

The Swift Current SPCA’s role regarding stray animals is limited legally during the short impoundment period to:

  • housing and feeding the animals in a safe place for a set period of impoundment time while the owner is sought
  • advertising the presence of the animals to try to locate the owners
  • determining proof of ownership when owners come forward
  • collecting the appropriate pound and licensing fees set by the City of Swift Current from the owner (and turning these fees over to the City)
  • advising and cautioning the owners on any care concerns we feel might be evident

After the impound period is up and if no owners come forward, the animal becomes the property and responsibility of the Swift Current SPCA. At this point we would provide all the further care services (grooming, vaccinations, etc.) we do for other pets in our care.

We do not have the legal authority to conduct animal welfare investigations; that is the role of Animal Protection Services of Saskatchewan.