We would like to send a big thank you out to all who made our 3rd Annual Kitty Cat Walk a success. We always have so much fun with the fashion show and it is wonderful to be able to display many alumni as well as animals waiting to find their furever homes. A special thanks to Andy Blanke of the Swift Current Bronco’s for showing his support by walking an alumni down the runway and to Sean Finnell for being this years MC.
Also, we couldn’t do it with the support of the Swift Current Mall and merchants. Below is a list of merchants who either participated in the fashion show, donated to our draw or adoptors or both.

Bentley Leathers
Blue Sky Lingerie & Leisure Wear
Canada Safeway
Century 21 Accord Realty
Etcetera Etcetera
Eden’s Apple
Growers Direct
In Look Fashions / In Look Kids
Mama T’s Bistro
Ricki’s / Bootlegger
Springs Garden
Staples Business Depot

Thanks again to everyone including all the volunteers and we look forward to struttin’ down the runway in 2013.