
This week we would like to thank …

– All of our pet calendar entrants for the fantastic photos that will be in our 2016 calendar

– The judges for the 2016 pet calendar, Devon Oman, Denis Perrault and Corla Rokochy

– Prairie Post and Southwest Booster for coming out to Market Square to take photos of the event while the entries were being judged

– Demi Kaye (Demi Kaye Photography) for taking photos of many animals for the 2016 calendar

– Swift Current Liquor Store for a donation of bottles and cans, we took these to SARCAN received a very generous amount in return

– All our great volunteers who worked at Walmart raffle ticket sales and Market Square

– Larry Johnson for donating his time to take the bottles and cans to SARCAN

– The board members that came to the shelter to maintain the shelter grounds

– Credit Union for a very generous monetary donation

– Swift Current RCMP for a monetary donation

– Crescent Point Resource Partnership for a monetary donation

– Pet Valu for a donation of animal food

– Pete, Shirley and the entire Young family for their constant support and donations.

– Horseshoe Veterinary Clinic and Associate Pet Hospital for their kind help caring for our shelter animals.

– All the volunteers that have kindly helped at Market Square and our volunteers that have helped sell our raffle tickets this summer.

As well as a huge thanks to the many individuals that donate their time, money and numerous food/supplies to our shelter!