Michelle Young presenting donations to SPCA Swift Current

On October 15, 2011 the 2nd Annual Memorial Dog Walk in memory of Alysa Young was held here in Swift Current. Alysa’s family has chosen to honor her memory by contributing to animal shelters to assist with daily operations as animal welfare was very near and dear to Alysa’s heart. This year donations totaling $1309.70 were presented to the Shelter by Alysa’s mother, Michelle. As well, several bottles of bleach, boxes of garbage bags, cat food, dog food and many rolls of paper towel were donated. Included in the cash donations was a cheque for $1000.00 from the Green Braes Highland Dancing Club which Alysa danced with for several years. As well a personal donation was received from Sheila Richardson who recently adopted a dog through our Shelter. To Anderson and Company’s lawyers and staff, many thanks for your donations. To everyone that participated and donated to help the Shelter’s animals, thank you.

The day that Michelle and her parents came to the Shelter to present us with the donations, she and I spoke about Alysa and her true compassion and love for animals. Michelle Young emailed the following to me shortly after we met and I would like to share this with you.
“The idea behind the walk was that Lysa’s family and friends would get together and spend the day remembering Lys on the anniversary of her passing on October 13, 2009. Needless to say, Alysa loved all animals, but her dogs and cats always had a special place in her heart. We know that Lys was smiling as she looked down at her family and friends with all of their dogs who were getting an extra long walk that day as well as getting the opportunity to socialize with each other. At the conclusion of the walk, Lysa’s friends and family wrote messages of love and remembrance on balloons and we released them into the heavens in her memory. I know that Lysa was there in spirit because as the balloons floated into the sky, she guided them right toward and over the Swift Current SPCA.”

To Alysa’s family and friends who organized and participated in this very heartfelt event: Your choice to honor Alysa’s memory in this way will continue to have a widespread impact on the animals in need of our extra care and support. We thank you. Although I never had the privilege of meeting her, all that knew her that I have spoke with had great admiration for her and the work she chose to pursue. Because of her rock solid beliefs in animal welfare, the awareness of the need for loving homes for Shelter animals has again been brought into the spotlight. Thank you Alysa for helping to bring more people to the cause. Your spirit continues to help those animals that meant so much to you.

Alysa Young Memorial Dog Walk 2011