Swift Current

December 21 and Christmas is already here at the SPCA thanks to Salon J and Country Critters!

Christmas came early to our Shelter and Santa was in the form of two wonderful young women! Jill Erickson (Country Critters @ Portreeve) and Jennefer Scory (Salon J in Leader) took the helm and did an absolute wonderful thing again this year in supporting the SPCA here in Swift Current. During the past month both of these soft-hearted ladies have been collecting donations of food, toys, bedding, treats and money to help out the Shelter’s animals. As they opened up the truck bed I was amazed to see it stuffed full with donations, and then discovered that the back seat was full to the roof too! Way to go Jennefer and Jill! Scott from the Southwest Booster attended to take photos and get an interview with these women who both have soft spots for animals. I cannot thank them enough for what they have done to support our Shelter nor can I adequately thank all of the people who donated to this year’s drive. We appreciate each and every item that was shared with us today. I did a quick tally of the entire donation and it is as follows:  

1 collapsible pet crate; 1 cat tunnel; 3 kitty condos; 18 dog toys; 56 cat toys; 8 large bags of blankets and towels; 2 jugs of bleach; 1 jug of detergent; 10 cleaning sponges; 27 rolls of paper towel; 1 collar; 1 leash; 1 harness; 5 boxes of garbage bags; 6 big bags of dog food; 4 big bags of cat food; 4 small bags of dog food; 14 small bags of cat and kitten food; 7 cans of dog food; 43 cans of cat food; 2 dog dishes; 4 cat double tray dishes; 1 self-feeder; 28 boxes or bags of dog biscuits and treats; 24 bags of cat treats; $0.80 in Canadian Tire money and $235.00 in cash donations.

WOW! Your communities’ generosity is amazing. We appreciate all of the support from your communities. Without the generosity of the citizens of  the Southwest,  the Shelter would cease to exist. If I have missed thanking anyone please forgive me as it was not intended. Each and every one of you has made a difference in our Shelter animals’ lives. Thank you again and Happy Holidays to everyone!



  1. Thank goodness for people like Jill and Jennifer and what generousity from their community. They should be proud.

  2. I would like to add our thank you to Jill, Jennifer and their community. The people at the SPCA are caring people and need all the support they can get to enable them to take care of all the animals that pass through. Have a very Merry Christmas Everyone!

  3. Thank you Jill and Jennifer for caring so much.

  4. Thank you so much for your acknowledgement of our donation collection! We are so glad we could help, Lisa and all of the staff also deserve a huge “thank you” for the great job they do! You are truly amazing:)

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