Submit an original short story (maximum 200 words) or poem about your dog. Enclose 4 copies of one written poem or story with title, pet’s photo (optional) and one cover page with your name, address, phone number and title of entry in a sealed envelope; drop off to sponsor locations listed below by June 11.

Poems and stories selected for publication will be announced at:
Summer Pet Seminar presented by Associate Pet Hospital at Swift Current Branch Library on Thursday, June 16th from 7pm to 8pm. Entries selected by a panel consisting of one member from each of the following sponsors:
-Swift Current Branch Library
-Swift Current SPCA
-Associate Pet Hospital
-Prairie Quills Writing Group

All selected entries will be published and read by authors at Chapbook Launch at the September Literary Circle with all proceeds from sales of chapbooks going to the Swift Current SPCA.
Best of luck to all entrants!