Spring Raffle Winners

Although we didn’t get a chance to announce them on air at our Radiothon as planned, we did do our Spring Raffle draws on May 24. Our lucky winners were:

  • $1000 cash- Kerri Keenleyside
  • 4 Cinema Twin movie passes + $75 at BP’s – Adrian McBride
  • 2 movie passes + $40 at Original Joe’s – Marlene Andrew
  • 2 movie passes + TNT Restaurant Party Pack – Rhonda Wollbaum
  • $40 gift certificate at Smitty’s Restaurant– Robyn Kerr
  • 2 Casey’s Dining Room Buffet passes – Kristina Bakanec
  • 1 Movie Pass and $20 at Smitty’s – Theresa Brown
  • 1 Movie Pass & $20 at Original Joe’s – Bonnie Whitesell
  • $25 BP’s gift certificate – Doug Odnokon
  • 2 movie passes- Rita Wallace

Thank you to all our prize donors and everyone who supported the raffle! Proceeds support your local animal shelter!