Swift Current

A Round Of App-paws!

We would like to extend a massive “Thank You” to After Forever Tattoo Studio for their hugely successful “Paws for a Cause” fundraising event. The studio allowed people to choose one of their fantastic paws tattoo designs and a portion of the base price for each tattoo was donated to Swift Current SPCA to assist with our Spay/Neuter costs. The event ran from November 1st – November 7th and raised an impressive $1800! We were fortunate enough to even bring some of our shelter animals to this fantastic event. On behalf of the animals, staff and entire Swift Current SPCA, we would like to thank studio owners Alicia and Jonathan and their talented staff for their generosity, it is greatly appreciated!

Below are some pictures from the event and studio owner Alicia presenting the proceeds to our development officer Teresa and our shelter kitties “Fiona and Shrek.”

Paws for a Cause 1 Paws for a Cause 3 Paws for a Cause 4 Paws for a Cause 2

         Paws for a Cause 5                                        Alicia Paws for a Cause

1 Comment

  1. We couldn’t have done it without the community & area’s support and participation we received again this year. A big thank you back to the SPCA for their volunteers that came down to set up in the mall and support our efforts! 🙂 And for helping us get the word out for this. You guys really made this year’s event a lot of fun, and I’m happy that, during such a busy time of year for local people, we still had the support to make 2015 another successful tattoo event for this great Cause! You guys are all doing a great job, and it was awesome to be able to donate toward the shelter’s ongoing success. Best of luck with the future and we’ll be back soon to snuggle some more adoptables..lol

    ~After Forever

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