Swift Current

At home, together!

Yet another happy result for two of our dogs – who were both desperately looking for their forever homes. Talk about falling on all eight feet! Here’s an email we received…

“Dear Humans at the SPCA,
Here are a couple pictures from our new home. We love the yard and like to run around and chase each other and our humans. We have gone for car rides, gone shopping in some stores, met some new people including a nice lady called “our vet” and even some other dogs walking with their humans. We are learning to play with each other but sometimes we get too rough and have to be stopped for awhile. (Blue) I get nervous when our humans leave and I accidentally ripped apart my bed when they were gone. They still love me and are helping me work on something called “separation anxiety”. (Cruz) And I am learning about a rule called “four on the floor”. I think it has something to do with me jumping up on humans and other things like counters. Sometimes I forget but my humans still love me and said they would help me learn about this stuff. We had a bath today and weren’t too sure about that but our humans said we did really good. And then we got some nummy treats afterwards. After an active day, we are tired and fall asleep in the living room before bedtime. It’s nice to snuggle up together sometimes like our picture – but not always though.

Thank-you for taking such good care of us and for helping us find a new home.
Love, Blue & Cruz

PS from the humans – these two are wonderful dogs and we feel very blessed to include them as part of our family. We appreciate your work at the SPCA and your dedication to finding new homes for these animals. Take care and God Bless. Janet & Lionel”

Thank you so much for adopting these two guys from the SPCA!


  1. I could not be happier for Blue and Cruz, my children and I bonded with both of these boys and we couldn’t wait for them to find a home, and from the sounds of it they found the perfect home, and together. Tears filled my eyes just from seeing the pictures, and were rolling down my face by the end of the letter. Thank you Janet and Lionel… Thank you.

  2. Danielle, thank-you for your comments. It is heart warming to find out just how many people have been following their journey and cheering them on. We absolutely adore our boys! And we are the ones who feel like we’ve hit the jackpot when we adopted Blue and Cruz. We truly feel blessed!

  3. Janet,

    I saw Blue and Cruz walking downtown early Saturday morning (on my way to Tim Hortons). If my kids weren’t in their pajama’s and I was showered I would have stopped in a heartbeat, but nonetheless we were all very excited to see them out and about. I hope your adventure together is still going great! We talk about those dogs often in my house. Thanks again!

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