Meet Caelum. He was recently adopted. But before he went to his forever home he sent us a message loud and clear. The message was “Please Recycle for My Friends and I”. He may be only a cat, but he sure knows the significance of recycling our pop bottles and cans so as not to fill our landfills, and therefore, polluting the same Earth that each of us share. By recycling we are not only protecting the Earth, now, but we are protecting it for future generations: for our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren etc. and, just as important, for our animals and the generations that follow them. Imagine a world where the generations ahead of us don’t have the opportunity to be loved and cherished by a Treasured Pet all because we were careless in our disposal of the products we use most every day, and thus, polluting our world, and potentially causing extinction of our furry friends.

How can we all change this? Recycle, recycle, recycle. The benefits in the long term are enormous. And what’s even more, you can take the proceeds from the refund you get and put them into caring for our animals at the SPCA thus ensuring them a safe place until they find their Forever Home.

So come on down and share the proceeds you receive from recycling your cans and bottles or bring them to us and we will gladly take them in for you. Caelum and his friends (now and in the future) and the SPCA gratefully thank you.