What’s in a name?

We’ve often been asked how we come up with names for our animals – believe me, it’s no easy task! Here, for your amusement (and perhaps to name your own fur-buddy), are the top picks for 2012 pet names, based on the Veterinary Pet Insurance database.

Most Common Dog Names Most Common Cat Names
  1. Bella
  2. Bailey
  3. Max
  4. Lucy
  5. Molly
  6. Buddy
  7. Daisy
  8. Maggie
  9. Charlie
  10. Sophie
  1. Bella
  2. Max
  3. Chloe
  4. Oliver
  5. Lucy
  6. Smokey
  7. Shadow
  8. Tiger
  9. Charlie
  10. Tigger

Interesting that ‘Bella’ tops both the cat and dog list? (thank you, Twilight)