Swift Current

National Pet Adoption Weekend

UrsulaDid you know this is National Pet Adoption Weekend?
The SPCA is pleased to invite you and your family to join us at the Swift Current SPCA Shelter April 30th, May 1st and May 2nd from 10:30am to 5:30pm for a pet adoption fair in recognition of National Pet Adoption Weekend. Help us recognize the important role of pet adoptions in our community.

NEW: Local SPCA Calendar Launch! Think your pet has star quality? Share it with others in our new local SPCA calendar for 2011,  featuring pets from our community. Come see us for details.


  1. This Spca is amazing everyone there is so friendly and helpful. They really deserve a great big Thank you for all the wonderful things they do!!

  2. “National Pet Adoption Weekend” was the weekend I fostered “Stitch”. This fostering eventually led to adoption. “Stitch” came named, and how fitting, as she was to become a little sister to “Poly and Ester”. The relationship is going wonderfully well. Ester thinks Stitch is her baby, as she is constantly grooming her, snuggling with her, or even having a bit of a playful tussle. Poly too takes on the mother figure, but perhaps a bit more playful. Poly and Ester were also adopted from the SPCA (Jan/09). Thanks SPCA! Deanne

  3. ahaha i am pretty sure that is a picture of my cat that i adopted from the spca!

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