Swift Current

Small dog writes big letter

It’s always good to receive a letter, especially when it’s from one of our alumni –

“Dear Lisa and all my friends at the Swift Current Humane Society:

Hi! I hope you are well. I am dictating this to my mom as I can’t type very well with these tiny paws.

I stayed with you in October. Thanksgiving weekend two ladies came. They took me on a long car ride to Moose Jaw. It was really neat. I tried to drive, but they did not think that was a very good idea. I had some snacks and I got a new leash and I even got to stop and go pee pee at the side of the road.

We came to a big old house. There were three dogs, Alice, Robin and Mr. Jigs. They barked and barked. I was scared. Mr. Jigs pulled a bit of hair off of my bum. He didn’t bite me but he made me have a little bald spot. There is a container of dog toys and I explored them all and pulled out a couple that I liked. The other dogs each got a new toy to play with.

I went to see Dr. Smith. I don’t really know what happened but I fell asleep and when I woke up I was missing almost all my teeth. The next day I started feeling so much better. The doctor said I had lots of infection. I had to take pills and now I can chew and eat kibble without being in pain.

This is a pretty good place. I sleep in a big soft bed. I have my new brother and sisters. I go on walks in the neighbourhood and best of all they tell me I can stay here as long as I like. So that is why I am writing to you. I want to let you know that I am no longer “on trial” Mom says to ask you to make my adoption final. Thank you for finding me a home and for caring about me.


Squeak (aka Pippin)”

What a great letter! We’re so pleased that Squeak has found her forever home!


  1. what a go Pippin! As I sit in my motel room in Saskatoon, missing the Christmas social in SC, I’m surfing the SPCA site and read your story. If they could all turn out this way, life would be wonderful. Thank you for being a loving, caring person and giving a deserving animal a forever home! Wonderful letter!

  2. Hi Murray.Thank you for your kind comments. We are the lucky ones.She is a wonderful addition to our family of four, yes four, dogs. We are so grateful to the staff at the SC Shelter for all of the care and attention they give every animal.

  3. It is so great to hear from Squeak (Pippin)and that he has found a wonderful forever home. Every animal deserves to be safe, loved, and cared for. Thank goodness the shelter is there to look after them until a “forever” home is found.

    My husband and I also adopted an animal (a wonderful cat, Junie B) from the Shelter and she has brought such joy to our lives.

    I check the website often and although there is always so many animals, it is so gratifying to see how many animals find their “forever” home. Keep up the good work.

    I really enjoyed the letter and hope to see more success stories.

  4. I am so glad you are enjoying your cat. Having a pet is a wonderful gift and priviledge. We are very blessed with our family. Merry Christmas and all the best in 2012.

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