Swift Current

Tag: adopted

We love to hear from you!

From our friend Michaela: “October 2013 we decided to expand our fur baby family and adopted Sasha, an untrained large 10 months old puppy. Shortly after coming home with us, we found out a fur baby wasn’t the only baby joining our clan. During my pregnancy I had my doubts about Sasha. Being so big… [Read the full article…]

Winnie won them over!

We love getting your emails, and here’s one we recently received: “Swift Current SPCA Back in late June we saw a picture of this cat (Pascal) on the SC SPCA Facebook page. We have never adopted from the SPCA before, so we were a little nervous. We were worried our current cat would not accept… [Read the full article…]

Our alumni

Here’s a couple of cute pictures of Sparky, who was adopted from us about nine years ago and by all reports is doing just great! A big thank you to Sparky’s mom for sending these photos – keep ’em coming!

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