sashaFrom our friend Michaela:
“October 2013 we decided to expand our fur baby family and adopted Sasha, an untrained large 10 months old puppy. Shortly after coming home with us, we found out a fur baby wasn’t the only baby joining our clan. During my pregnancy I had my doubts about Sasha. Being so big and still having bad habits of a 2 month old pup, I worried about bringing a baby home. It’s been almost a year now and Sasha has become not only a protector but a best friend to my son. She amazed us on her loyalty to this family. The reason for my story is, never give up on a dog. If you put in the time and love they will give it right back to you. If we would have gave up on Sasha then my son would have never known her and this friendship would have never happened. Thank you Swift Current SPCA! If it wasn’t for you, we would have never found her!”