Hunter Pics

We always love to hear from families that adopt from the shelter, this one in particular we felt we had to share!

This is Hunter, he is a 5 year old Border Collie/Rottweiler. Hunter had been patiently waiting for a family, when one day he found them. A very friendly family came into the shelter and decided to join Hunter on a walk, they ended up taking him home the same day! Everyone was very happy that Hunter found such a lovely family, so as you can imagine we were all very excited to receive these photos in the mail! Hunter’s new family have told us he made himself right at home!

If you have adopted an animal from the Swift Current SPCA and have photo’s of your new family member, we would love to see them! You can email them to info@swiftcurrentspca or send them in the mail to PO Box 1163 Stn Main, Swift Current, SK S9H 3X3