Image result for thank you animal pictures

This week we would like to thank:

– MNP Swift Current, whose staff had a “Jeans in July” day at work and raised a fantastic $293.25 for our shelter!

– Thanks to the SC Indians Ball Club and their fans for a successful “Pack the
Doghouse” promotion on July 30. We collected far more than  a dog-houseful
of food and items for the shelter, as well as selling “Dog Days of Summer”
raffle tickets and SPCA merchandise on a perfect night at the ballpark!

– Pete, Shirley and the entire Young family for their constant support and donations.

– Comfort Inn for kindly donating lots of bedding for our shelter animals.

– Devon Oman and Dead Prairies Productions for a monetary donation.

– Horseshoe Veterinary Clinic and Associate Pet Hospital for their kind help caring for our shelter animals.

– Canadian Tire for donating food for our shelter animals.

– A huge thanks to the many individuals that donate their time, money and numerous food/supplies to our shelter!