We would like to thank a few special people and companies that had taken the time to bake cupcakes and raise money for National Cupcake Day on February 23rd

– RBC Bank Swift Current, raised $193

– SGI Swift Current, raised $175

– W.W. Smith Insurance, raised $500

– Standard Motors, raised $400

– Baillie Berg, raised $272 in memory of Tango and Gin

– Dallas Peters, raised $74

We know lots of people were up late the night before baking cupcakes, and we want to make sure everyone knows how much ourselves, and all the animals appreciate the hard work and compassion! of course, there are many other companies who helped, and they will also get a big thank you once a grand total has been determined.

We would also like to thank ..

– Sask Abilities for taking the time to volunteer, aswell as coming to the shelter visit the animals and staff.

– Canadian Tire for donating shelter supplies.

– Shirley, Pete and the entire Young family for constantly donating shelter supplies, all in memory of their granddaughter Alysa Young.

– Our fantastic vets Lynn and Ryan of Southwest Mobile Pet Care for all their dedication and help caring for our shelter animals.

– A huge thanks to the many individuals that donate their time, money and numerous food/supplies to our shelter.