Swift Current

In Memory of Alysa Young


Sadly Alysa Young passed away in 2009. During her life Alysa was an advocate for the SPCA and worked with Saskatoon SPCA. She devoted her life to caring and loving every animal she encountered. Since her untimely passing, her family have continued to carry on her fantastic work. The Young family constantly donate food and supplies to our shelter, all in memory of Alysa. Each birthday in the Young household is celebrated by forfeiting gifts for themselves and instead choosing to buy items for our shelter animals. Most recently Alysa’s mum Michelle celebrated her birthday and as always our shelter benefited from her generosity. We would like to wish Michelle a “Happy Birthday” and say how honoured and privileged we feel at our shelter to be a recipient of all their donations and be a part of Alysa’s lasting legacy.





1 Comment

  1. Michelle (Alysa's mom)

    April 8, 2015 at 9:48 pm

    Thank you Orla and Swift Current SPCA for these kind words in this post. This means alot to me and Lysa’s family. XO

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